California Wildfires Modeling

Tiffany Tan


I gained the idea for this project because I live in Northern California, which has been plagued by wildfires every summer for the past several years. Through this data exploration and analysis, I am hoping to find out more about the causes, severity, and other factors concerning these fires. I am curious to see if there is some special factor that causes more fires in some years than others, and hope to discover more about the cause and effect as well. I have obtained my data from Kaggle as well as a Github repository that I found where some data visualizations were created concerning wildfires in the US.

Methods and Findings:

So far, for my first dataset, I have cleaned up the data by removing all the unnecessary columns (such as comments). I have created a few visuals like a correlation matrix and some bar graphs. But in doing so, I realized I didn't have data that gave me a good estimation of wildfire severity, so I found a second dataset that I have begun cleaning and exploring.

Data Visualizations:

Correlation Matrices:

correlation matrix 1 correlation matrix 2

Acres Burned Distribution:

acres burned distribution bar chart

Injury Distribution:

injury distribution bar chart

Structures Damaged per Year:

number of structures burned bar chart

Cleaned Dataset:

Project Members:

Tiffany Tan's Headshot

Tiffany Tan

Graduated: Class of 2023

Major: Computer Science and Data Science